This is FeG

This is FeG

Moved by God’s love, we build vibrant churches

We want to live and work under this guiding principle: God’s love should move us. We want to build churches. We want them to be living churches that come into being and gather in the FeG Bund. Our initials describe something like the genetic fingerprint of “FeG”. It is worth getting to know us.

F for free

“If the Son makes you free, then you are truly free,” Jesus says of himself. Free from sin, from oppressive worry, from enslaving lies. We want to discover this freedom and live in it. Free evangelical churches also want to spread the liberating message of Jesus Christ with words and deeds. That is why the churches do not isolate themselves, but share their lives with those who are still skeptical and reserved about Jesus. That is why they are also planting new churches. They are constantly looking for suitable ways to communicate the gospel in a contemporary and generally understandable form.

e stands for protestant (in German)

The “gospel” is the “good news” of God’s love. He demonstrated this in a unique way in Jesus Christ. When he died and rose again 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ created salvation for us humans. This is God’s liberating grace. It also brings about the faith with which we are still rooted in this love today.
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and that only in it can we reliably learn about Jesus Christ.
Christ, grace, faith and the Bible – these are the “evangelical” characteristics from which we live.

G stands for community (in German)

Jesus Christ is the center of the church. That is why personal faith in him is a prerequisite for membership. Every church is independent and discovers and needs the talents of its members. It appoints its pastors and staff on its own responsibility. It finances itself through donations and decides independently on all important issues.
The congregation is a space for personal and communal growth. It forms a covenant with other congregations and shares the apostolic creed with Christianity worldwide.