Get in touch

Get in touch

Would you like to visit us? Here you will find the address and how to reach us by public transport. We look forward to your visit!

Do you have any questions or would you like to give us feedback? Are you looking for a house group or would you like to get involved in a practical way? Send us a message and we’ll see how we can help you.

Come and visit us

Church community center Folsterhoehe
Hirtenwies 46
66117 Saarbruecken

Bus connection

106 and 107 from the bus stop “Rabbiner-Ruelf-Platz” in the direction of “Folsterhoehe Siedlung” to the bus stop “Hirtenwies”. Then walk approx. 200m to the community center.

Parking facilities

Disabled parking in front of the town hall, otherwise along the road or at Edeka, dm and Aldi (approx. 400m to the church community center).

Leave us a message
